- The Story Behind Halloween – Lesson
- The Story Behind Halloween – Quiz
- Are You Too Old To Go Trick-Or-Treating? – Lesson
- Look out for the Blue Pumpkin – Lesson
- Is the White House Haunted? – Lesson
- Is the White House Haunted? – Quiz
- Mummies Discovered in Egypt – But That’s Nothing to Fear – Lesson
- Salem Witch Trials: When Being Called a Witch Meant Death – Lesson
- Halloween Around the World: It Isn’t Just Costumes and Candy – Lesson
- Halloween Around the World: It Isn’t Just Costumes and Candy – Quiz
- The Evolution of Thanksgiving – Lesson
- The Evolution of Thanksgiving – Quiz
- The Political Roots of Thanksgiving – Lesson
- The Political Roots of Thanksgiving – Quiz
- Turkey for Thanksgiving – But Why? – Lesson
- Turkey for Thanksgiving – But Why? – Quiz
- This Thanksgiving, Consider Helping the Less Fortunate – Lesson
- Good Friday: Christ Carried Sin to the Grave – And Left It There – Lesson
- Good Friday: Christ Carried Sin to the Grave – And Left It There – Quiz
- Easter Traditions: From Rabbits to Egg Jarping – Lesson
- Easter Traditions: From Rabbits to Egg Jarping – Quiz
- Easter Monday and Egg Rolling at the White House – Lesson
- Easter Monday and Egg Rolling at the White House – Quiz
Federal Holidays and Observances
- New Year’s Day: Just as Political as Anything Else – Lesson
- This Presidents’ Day, Let’s Remember the Weird – Lesson
- Astounding Facts about US Presidents – Lesson
- Astounding Facts about US Presidents – Quiz
- Memorial Day: A Time of Honor and Respect – Lesson
- Memorial Day: A Time of Honor and Respect – Quiz
- From Decoration Day to Memorial Day – Lesson
- From Decoration Day to Memorial Day – Quiz
- Who Was the Poppy Lady, Moina Belle Michael? – Lesson
- Who Was the Poppy Lady, Moina Belle Michael? – Quiz
- The Origins of Flag Day – Lesson
- The Origins of Flag Day – Quiz
- America’s Flag – An Evolved Banner for an Ever-Changing Country – Lesson
- America’s Flag – An Evolved Banner for an Ever-Changing Country – Quiz
- Celebrating the 4th of July – Lesson
- Celebrating the 4th of July – Quiz
- Who Should We Thank for Labor Day? – Lesson
- Who Should We Thank for Labor Day? – Quiz
- Constitution and Citizenship Day – Lesson
- Constitution Day – The First Day of Constitution Week – Lesson
- Constitution Day – The First Day of Constitution Week – Quiz
- The Political Origins of Columbus Day – Lesson
- The Political Origins of Columbus Day – Quiz
- Columbus Day or Indigenous Peoples’ Day? – Lesson
- Columbus Day or Indigenous Peoples’ Day? – Quiz
- Veterans Day: A Day to Honor Those Who Served – Lesson
- Veterans Day: A Day to Honor Those Who Served – Quiz
Other Traditions
- Valentine’s Day Love Poems – Lesson
- Love Poems for Valentine’s Day – Lesson
- Who Was St. Valentine? – Lesson
- Who Was St. Valentine? – Quiz
- No Love for Valentine’s Day in the East – Lesson
- No Love for Valentine’s Day in the East – Quiz
- Beware the Ides of March – But Why? – Lesson
- Beware the Ides of March – But Why? – Quiz
- St. Patrick’s Day: A Celebration of the Irish – Lesson
- St. Patrick’s Day: A Celebration of the Irish – Quiz
- May Day: Dancing ‘Round the Maypole – Lesson
- May Day: Dancing ‘Round the Maypole – Quiz
- Cinco de Mayo: Celebrating Mexico’s Victory in Puebla – Lesson
- Cinco de Mayo: Celebrating Mexico’s Victory in Puebla – Quiz
- Mother’s Day: The Anti-War Effort Turned Holiday – Lesson
- Mother’s Day: The Anti-War Effort Turned Holiday – Quiz
- Father’s Day: More Than Just a Day for Ties – Lesson
- Father’s Day: More Than Just a Day for Ties – Quiz
- Presidential Fathers: Responsible for Their Kids and the Country – Lesson
- Presidential Fathers: Responsible for Their Kids and the Country – Quiz
- Proof of the Hanukkah Story Found? – Lesson
- Proof of the Hanukkah Story Found? – Quiz
- Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue – April Celebrates Poetry, Too – Lesson
- Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue – April Celebrates Poetry, Too – Quiz
Mummies Discovered in Egypt – But That’s Nothing to Fear – Lesson
Unlike what is shown in some scary movies, mummification was just a way of preserving the dead.
Just in time for Halloween, archaeologists in Egypt found 30 coffins with perfectly preserved mummies inside. The mummies were buried double-stacked and included 23 adult males, five adult females, and two children. Archaeologists were able to identify the genders by the carvings on the coffins, said Mostafa Waziri, secretary general of the Supreme Council of Antiquities. If the coffin was carved to show open hands, the person inside was a female, while those with hands balled into fists contained males.
Becoming a Mummy
Unlike what is shown in some popular scary movies, people were not usually mummified as a punishment or for fear they might return and extract revenge. In fact, only pharaohs, nobility, and the rich were usually able to afford the high price. The process took about 70 days to complete and involved many steps and several people to work on each mummy.
It is believed the earliest mummies from prehistoric times were not created on purpose. Egypt is a dry land without much rainfall and experts think the dry sand and air preserved some bodies that had been buried in shallow pits in the sand.
However, when the ancient Egyptians did decide to start practicing mummification, it was to preserve the body and prepare a comfortable chamber to send deceased to the afterlife with everything they would need.
Priests and other experts would remove the internal organs and put them into special containers called canopic jars. These jars would later be buried with the mummies. Next, it was time to dry out the body. This was accomplished by covering the body with natron, a type of salt, and then placing more natron packets inside the body until all of the moisture was removed, then the packets were eliminated as well. Any sunken areas were filled out with linen and other materials. Sometimes false eyes were added.
The final step was wrapping the mummies in hundreds of yards of linen. The strips were wound around the body, wrapping each finger and toe separately. Priests would attach amulets while praying, and write magical words on some of the linen strips as a way to protect the person from harm. The mummy was then wrapped in the final cloth, also known as a shroud, and secured with more linen.
Hopefully, by the time the mummy was complete, his or her tomb had also been finished and customized. The tomb held the deceased’s personal affects that would be needed in the afterlife. These could include things such as furniture, religious paintings, food, valuables, and clothes.