Become a Published Author!
Liberty Nation GenZ encourages students of all ages to submit original articles for publication. Educators are urged to take advantage of this opportunity by developing in-class contests or projects that culminate with the winning essay being submitted to LN GenZ.
Your name will appear in the by-line as the author. Send us a brief biography (no more than two sentences). You are also welcome to submit a photo, though it is not required.
Rules & Regs: To submit an article, closely follow the guidelines below:
General format
Articles should be sent in Microsoft Word format. We cannot print submissions that are sent as a text in an email.
- Your text should not have indentations for paragraphs or quotes.
- Single space text. Double-space between paragraphs.
- Put quotations around block quotes and be sure to hyperlink any sources you use.
- Follow Fair Use Copyright Guidelines, which essentially say you should not quote more than a couple hundred words of another article. If the article is brief, however, your quotation must be adjusted accordingly.
- Please don’t overuse underlines, all caps, or italics.
Liberty Nation GenZ is a project of One Generation Away, a non-profit organization. As such, we cannot endorse political candidates, parties, or specific legislation. Neither can we advocate against political candidates, parties, or specific legislation. Our mission is to foster dialogue, open debate, and encourage critical thinking skills regarding current events.
Fact Check & Proofread
Facts need to be checked thoroughly before submission. It is vitally important to ensure all information is true, and not gossip or hearsay. Please make sure to check everything twice.
Submission guidelines:
- Editing and image selection is at the sole discretion of Liberty Nation GenZ.
- No changes by the author following the initial submission are permitted.
- If your submission is accepted for publication, the author will not be consulted regarding the final edit.
- The author is not permitted to withdraw his or her submission after initial acceptance.
– If we publish your article, it can be republished elsewhere after 24 hours with Liberty Nation GenZ sourced and hyperlinked as the original publisher.
– Please note, we do not pay for unsolicited submissions.
Please send your submissions to [email protected]
In the email; please include:
- Title of Article
- Name of Author
- The date on which you SUBMIT the article
- Attach your Microsoft Word document to your email and send to address shown above.
We will make every effort to notify you if your submission is accepted by reply email. This is not always possible, but we will try our best.