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The Liberty Bell: America’s Iconic Symbol of Liberty

The bell may be cracked, but it is still tapped in honor of those who fought for freedom.

By:  |  January 9, 2021  |    551 Words

President Harry Truman examining the historic Liberty Bell in Independence Hall. (Getty Images)

The Liberty Bell is one of America’s iconic symbols of liberty. Commission of the bell was ordered by the Pennsylvania Assembly in 1751 to celebrate the 50-year anniversary of William Penn’s Charter of Privileges. The inscription is from Leviticus 25:10 in the Bible: “Proclaim Liberty Throughout All the Land Unto All the Inhabitants thereof.” It refers to the “Jubilee” where the Israelites were told to return property and free slaves every 50 years. In the 19th century, the abolitionists used the verse as well as the bell in their fight against slavery, coining the name “Liberty Bell.” It was formally called the “State House Bell.”

A Little History

The first bell had some issues. It was delivered on September 1, 1752 in Philadelphia and then hung on March 10, 1753. But when it was hit with the clapper to ring it, the bell cracked. No one knew what had caused the problem, so two foundry workers melted down the bell and recast it, hoping to make it stronger.

Liberty Bell

(Getty Images)

The new version was raised on March 29, 1753; however, citizens were not happy with the sound it made. Once again, the bell was broken down and recast. On June 11, 1753, the newest bell was hung, but in November, a request for another bell was put forth. Although a new bell was built, it was agreed that it was not an improvement on the former, and so the third version was kept.

The bell was rung for several occasions, usually to summon the people for events and announcements. But there were other times that were more momentous. In 1774, it was rung for the First Continental Congress; in 1777 for the Battle of Lexington and Concord. On July 8, 1776, it is rumored to have been rung to call citizens to witness the reading of the Declaration of Independence.

In October 1777, the bell was removed and hidden in the floorboards of the Zion Reformed Church in Allentown, PA after the British occupied the city so that it wouldn’t be taken and melted down for cannons.

The Crack

No one knows for sure when or how the first crack appeared in the Liberty Bell, but the one to end it all in 1846 happened on President George Washington’s birthday – February 23. Although there were hairline cracks before this day, Washington’s birthday was the last time the bell ever rang. The

The Traveling Bell

After the Civil War, the bell was taken to various cities across the nation before retiring in Pennsylvania at the Liberty Bell Center, where it can still be seen today. Its symbol of freedom and liberty was so inspirational that in 1915 a replica was built to promote women’s suffrage and traveled across the states. The clapper was chained to its side so that it couldn’t ring, resembling silence, and remained that way (chained in silence) until women received the right to vote.

Today, the Liberty Bell still plays an important part in American history and tradition. At 2 p.m. Eastern time on the Fourth of July, the descendants of the original Declaration signers tap the bell 13 times (while bells across the U.S. ring 13 times) in honor of the patriots from the original 13 states. Since 1986, after Dr. Martin Luther King’s widow requested it, the bell is tapped in his honor.

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