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Biden or Trump – Who Won?

While many have declared Joe Biden the winner, the totals aren’t actually in yet.

By:  |  November 9, 2020  |    398 Words
biden trump

(Photo by Morry Gash-Pool/Getty Images)

A few days after the November 3 election, many have declared Joe Biden to be the winner, and the next president of the United States. Is this true? In fact, it’s not quite accurate – not yet, anyway.

Many newspapers and television networks have declared Biden to be the winner of the election. Based on the current vote counts, Biden has won 51.5% of the popular vote, as well as 279 Electoral College votes – nine more than the 270 needed to win. However, Donald Trump and his campaign have several complaints about the vote count, which will take a while to sort out. They could even change the result of the election.

Biden and Harris Declare Victory

On Saturday, November 7, Joe Biden gave his acceptance speech in Delaware. He talked about restoring the soul of America and how America is a beacon for the rest of the world. His running mate, Kamala Harris, also spoke. She paid tribute to her mother, and Indian immigrant, and talked about being the first woman of color to serve as vice president.

The Reality – Results Not Yet Settled

So, if Biden and Harris are the winners, what’s the problem? In reality, the results of the election have not been officially announced, and the count has not been completed.

Despite all the declarations that Biden and Harris won, only election officials actually have the power to formally announce the result of a vote.

The final victor likely will not be official for a few weeks, as the Trump campaign has disputed the results in several states, claiming that improper or even fraudulent practices have interfered with a fair vote.

The campaign has already started taking legal action in several states, and there are likely to be recounts in Wisconsin and Georgia.

Will these legal disputes change the result of the election? Nobody knows yet.

Some World Leaders Congratulate Biden and Some Wait

As well as the news media, leaders around the world have started congratulating Biden and Harris, even though their victory is not official. The leaders of nations including France, South Korea, Australia, Israel, Japan, Canada, Britain, and Ireland quickly sent Biden their congratulations.

However, not all countries have been so quick to send their well wishes. “We consider it proper to wait for the official results,” said Russia, which has refused to congratulate anybody on winning the election until the final result is settled.

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