How long can you hold your breath underwater? Twenty seconds? Thirty? Thankfully Dr. Deep Sea, the man that lived underwater for 100 days, did not have to hold his breath that long. Instead, he lived in a small undersea hotel… Read More
Scientists in Victoria, Australia, have discovered a small group of tiny reptiles long thought extinct. The earless lizard, which hasn’t been spotted in over 50 years, was on the critically endangered list. The discovery in February of this year thrilled… Read More
A telescope mounted atop a dormant Hawaiian volcano spotted a never-before-seen object in the sky. In March 2023, scientists discovered 2023 FW13, an asteroid many are calling a second moon. The space rock is unique because it is a quasi-moon… Read More
Mathematicians have tried for nearly five decades to design a shape that would never repeat a pattern, no matter how large the surface. This elusive configuration is named “Einstein,” but not for reasons you might think. The words “ein stein”… Read More
The dodo bird is believed to have become extinct sometime in the 17th century, though some believe the bird never existed at all and is just a mythical creature. Scientists, however, are hoping to bring the dodo bird back from… Read More
A group of Canadian students wondered if an EpiPen would work in space. They had been studying them, and knew the pens could save lives when used to inject emergency epinephrine to stop a severe allergic reaction. However, upon closer… Read More
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is making big waves in modern technology. However, many people do not realize just how common AI is in their everyday lives. Everything from navigation and facial detection to autocorrect and e-payments all use AI. Scientists consistently work… Read More
From frankenfoods to toilets that turn waste into ash, climate change enthusiasts search for solutions to stop the world from heading into another ice age or becoming a desert. Billionaire Bill Gates is leading the charge against burping cows, recently… Read More
A mouse with deer antlers? Who would have thought it possible? But science is a wonderous thing, and stem cell research is creating all kinds of possibilities. Although controversial, this type of technology is being used to study how diseases… Read More
In 2012, the director of the Insect Identification Lab at Penn State University, Michael Skvarla, spotted a giant insect on the wall of a local Walmart store. The bug’s appearance was so mysterious that he scooped it off the building,… Read More
Will robots take over the world soon? That might be going a bit far, but artificial intelligence (AI) is making some big steps forward. The change has some people worried, while others are keen to start using the new technology…. Read More
The James Webb Space Telescope (also known as JWST or Webb) is the largest in the world. Launched on Christmas Day in 2021, Webb has provided astronomers with valuable information throughout its short time in orbit. The most recent discovery… Read More